350. new friends
351. old friends
352. first camping trip
353. summer
354. time with my Mama
355. time with my Daddy
356. playdate with a friend for Isaac
357. did I say good friends? I am so unbelievably blessed by friends
358. opportunities to witness the power of prayer
359. blessing upon blessing that comes from an amazing support system
360. real - church - how I believe God intended it to be...
361. 5 days in the most beautiful place in Colorado
362. free foster care day at the North Pole = fun family time
363. walking hand-in-hand with my hubby through the park in Gunnison. It brought back memories of 13 years ago when we were dating and had a picnic there.
364. getting to see my friend's art at a gallery downton Colorado Springs
365. dinner at Pantry Gardens with my Mama and Daddy and family
Check back next week for another installment of Multitude Monday. God IS Good...And gratitude precedes the miracle...
love your list! :) looks like summer's off to a great start!