Monday, November 15, 2010

Multitude Monday

holy experience
One Thousand Gifts
33. Ellie's sweet Girl Scout Troop and amazing leaders who sacrifice their time and energy
34. my once-a-month cleaning lady - that she cleans my entire house in one day but more that we have become better friends
35. an entire day having fun with my hubby - what a gift
36. online shopping
37. Grammie and Papa - watching the kids all day on Sunday - they had so much fun
38. true quality family time playing games, doing puzzles, and building cars and boats with Legos
39. friend showing up unannounced with a pumpkin latte
40. new family movie - "Ramona and Beezus" - love it - Thanks Gigi for the birthday money
41. worship music to alter my mood and remind me that HE IS ENOUGH
42. shopping at Target by myself with money earned from selling used stuff
43. my Wednesday morning Bible Study women - gifts - truely
44. introduction to Smashburger...mmmmmm...thanks babe
45. that my token economy at the dinner table to improve manners is actually working
46. little boy snuggles
Check back next week for another installment of Multitude Monday. God IS Good.

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