Seven years ago today my Ellie Marie came into this world. It was a long hard day and I had no idea what hit me but oh did I feel so blessed. There is no other feeling in the world like being a parent for the first time. She was perfect and still is. She is sweet and kind and smart and friendly and talented and helpful and bright and simply perfect. Our precious gift from God is 7 years old today. She is in 2nd grade at Gateway Elementary School. She loves her teacher and her friends. She is a very good reader and very good at math. Last week she received an award from her principal for being the class BFF. Kind, sweet, and friendly to everyone. What a great quality to have. Ellie plays the piano and the recorder. She is a Brownie Girl Scout and loves going to Break Out at church once a week. She loves doing any sort of craft and scrapbooking. She is planning to be a clothing designer when she grows up. She is trying to convince her grandma to go ahead and start creating the clothes that she has designed. God knew that we needed Ellie first. She loves to be Mommy's helper and the big sister. Happy Birthday sweet girl!
Love that baby girl! She is SOOO sweet and smart. Happy Birthday Ellie Marie!!!!!!